Discover Unforgettable Northern Minnesota Group Getaways and Family Reunions at NLRO

If you're planning a Northern Minnesota group getaway or family reunion, look no further than Northern Lights Resort and Outfitting (NLRO). Nestled on the pristine shores of Lake Kabetogama, NLRO offers the perfect setting for an unforgettable gathering, surrounded by nature’s beauty and cabins equipped with all the comforts you need. The resort is [...]

Discover Unforgettable Northern Minnesota Group Getaways and Family Reunions at NLRO2024-08-09T03:56:51+06:00

View our Lake Kabetogama Lodge WEBCAM

Checkout our Northern Minnesota lakeside dock cam” See in real-time the mood of our lake Kabetogama through the change of seasons! Checkout our beautiful sunsets, summer fun and dipping temperatures right off the NLRO lakeside dock.  In the winter, you can see the temperature dropping and lake ice forming and snow depth building sometimes up to 2 [...]

View our Lake Kabetogama Lodge WEBCAM2016-12-06T04:31:09+06:00
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